Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fell Off

I completely fell off the bandwagon this weekend and I knew exactly what I was doing. I'm a huge sweet tooth and I haven't really had too many sweets since starting WW 8 weeks ago. The temptation was just too much to resist and my will power can only take so much. I was fine until Sunday at hubby's family's house, there were cake balls staring me in the face, veggies and amazing dip, lots of creamy pasta salad and regular salad with mayo, burgers and beans... and the candy, the glorious candy and chocolate. I could not resist, it was all right there wherever I looked there was goodness. I started off doing so well but it sure didn't end up well and I just kept going with my chocolate binge until yesterday. I'm back on today and started my morning off with throwing my half-eaten chocolate bunny away, the one I should have just left at my MIL's house BEFORE it was opened!

I'm one lucky duck to have not gained from my wild weekend of indulgence. I actually lost 1.5 lbs this week which I'm beyond grateful for and realize I may not be so lucky in the future! And this means I'm closer to my 10% weight loss mini-goal (194 lbs).

8 weeks / -18.5 lbs. / 197.5 lbs

On a good note, many of my "fat" pants don't fit anymore, but the problem is that I am still a tiny bit too big for my pre-pregnancy pants. I just can't believe I've lost almost 20 lbs, I seriously don't see it, I don't feel smaller or lighter and think I look the same although my pants are saying different which is awesome. I have two pairs of pre-pregnancy jeans I can squeeze into and you better bet I'll be wearing a pair to the Bachelorette party I'm hosting this weekend! That wedding literally feels right around the corner, the event the started it all. The goal is to lose 10 more lbs before the big day! Which reminds me to mention my Bridesmaid dress came in two weeks ago (Size 16) and it was already too big, I knew I should have ordered a size smaller but was too chicken. Reminder to self: I MUST call alteration place THIS WEEK!

Keeping it real, I am doing so fantastic losing weight consistently that I have to keep in mind that this is NOT TYPICAL. A friend of mine has been reminding me of this lately because she's concerned I'll be too hard on myself if I hit a major plateau. I have to keep in mind that the program is working for me for now, but in the future I'll most likely have to step it up a notch. I know many people who have done WW before that maybe lost 10 or 15 lbs in 4-6 months, so I'm extremely fortunate to have been losing at this rate. I'm getting closer and closer to pre-Ellie weight (189), so it will be interesting what happens then, and again with pre-Weston weight (178).

Till next week.



  1. Yay for another 1 1/2 pounds!

    Another warning: You might see the repercussions from this past weekend in next week's weigh-in. I know I didn't see the results from a binge for a couple of days.

    But good for you for getting back on track. It's so good that you can recognize when you've had a bad weekend or day and just get back on program.

    I did WW for 8 months and did hit some plateaus, but not as much as I did when I was losing weight on my own. I think changing points as you lose weight has something to do with that. By the last 3 months, I would lose 0-1 pound per week for 3 weeks, then the last week would lose 4-6 pounds. It was a really odd pattern, but because I was able to push through it, I could see that that's just how my body was reacting.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. I've become a big fan of cocoa dusted almonds and mint cocoa dusted almonds. Typically it is about 5 almonds for one pp. I eat 15-20 when I'm in the mood for something sweet. Has great nutrients and appeases the craving.

    Yay for another loss. Don't let the scale or the pitfalls psych you out.
