Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dress Alterations

This week I lost 1 lb, not bad, I just hate that I've slowed way down. I'm feeling good this week though, I'm back to tracking my food and finally feeling a bit lighter. Great news is I'VE LOST 20 LBS!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

I ordered my Bridesmaid dress 6 weeks ago and took it in to get altered on Monday. This dress was a size 16 and I fit very comfortably (the 14 was about 2.5 inches from zipping), well... drum roll please... I had to have it taken in, but here's the shocker, it needed taken in 2 inches on BOTH SIDES! That's just crazy! I knew I should have ordered the size 14! And the kicker is that I still have 3 weeks to the wedding, here's to hoping it still fits me... well kind of hoping, hehe.

When I first started the goal of losing, 56lbs just seems extremely overwhelming, but with each week and each lost lb it becomes just a little bit less daunting and my mind has started to say, "Yeah, I can do this, this is really happening!" (Goal: -56lb, Current: -20lbs, 36lbs to go).

I have many friends and family members that have been on weight-loss plans and lost weight in the past, and I remember thinking "I wish I could lose weight too," then all the sudden they reached their goal and I thought, "Wow, what if I started when they started, I would have already lost the weight I wanted to lose too." I always felt like I was missing the bus, and there were many what if's and always the mentality of "I'll start next week." I think we can all relate to that sentiment. I'm just so happy that I finally decided to do something and do it now, and not wait until Monday because a lot of times Monday never comes. I actually started on a Friday, which many thought was crazy, but in my eyes it was urgent and this was something that couldn't wait until Monday.

My friend here at work mentioned that she notices the most difference in my face, and actually I remember the day I noticed my double chin was gone in late March! Here's a before (mid-Dec) and after (1.5 weeks ago) and I'm not quite halfway to my goal yet. I'm starting to get anxious though. I just want the weight gone and I can't wait to unveil my before and after full body pics when I'm done (the goal is around September, which seems light years away at the moment).

Until next week.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the dress alterations! You're doing great!

    Just try to keep your head down and keep going. Everyone experiences ups and downs in their weight loss. (I apologize if I told you this before already) I used to lose nothing or even gain for 3 weeks, then lose a chunk the 4th week. It took me months to figure it out, though. If I'd given up during those weeks that I didn't lose, I wouldn't have gotten to that 4th week of great loss. September will be here before you know it. You look fantastic already--I hope you can see the progress you're making!
