Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Becoming (verb) - undergoing change or development

Becoming (adjective) - attractive, fitting, suitable


Let me start by saying I'm not one to diet. I don't believe in diets and have only been on one "diet" in my whole life, it lasted 3 months, I lost 15lbs and promptly gained it back.

This isn't about weight loss, this is about control. I've lost control of my body... two children and a marriage will do that do a women... especially when you're happier than you've ever been in your entire life.

This is about being healthy. And here's my story...

You know how it goes, I've never really been happy with my weight (who is?) and then you gain weight and hate that you never appreciated what you looked like 10lbs ago. Now I miss being able to walk into any store I want and fit into whatever I want.

After being married for over 5 years you tend to let yourself go a little, then throw having 2 children in the mix and all the sudden you're 30lbs+ more than you ever thought you'd weigh. I'm a far cry from that bikini bearing honeymooner just 5 years ago.

This isn't just about losing the weight but now it's about becoming healthier. I've started having ailments that "overweight" people have (Acid Reflux sent me to the ER just a year ago) and my doctor even threw around the word "obese" at a recent visit. Wait, what?!?!?!?! Who? ME?!?! Here I am just had my second child 5 months ago and for the first time in my life, I'm not comfortable in my own skin, the baby weight, plus some, is just not budging and I'm heavier than I've ever been in my life. I have to do something but what? I knew I wanted to do something about it, at least by the time my little brother gets married in September, but you know the attitude, "I'll start next Monday."

The Last Straw
I got a phone call February 24 from one of my oldest and dearest friends asking me to be in her wedding... in a short 3 months! I was incredibly honored and overjoyed, but that feeling suddenly was overshadowed by the thought of being in her wedding album, for eternity, looking the way I do today. That was it, I have to do something and I have to do it now.

On February 25 I joined Weight Watchers Online. The first week was filled with reading Success Stories (mostly those who have lost 50lbs+), learning the tools, and learning not only what I should be eating but more importantly how much. The so called healthy foods aren't as healthy as they claim and I'm learning real fast who's advertising is false advertising.

Good news is the hard work is paying off and the scale doesn't lie. I've been doing Weight Watchers for 25 days now and am officially down 10lbs. I'm getting my control back while becoming a more healthier person. I've ran into some sticky situations and weak moments, but am hoping they become fewer and far between.



  1. So happy for you for making this step. It's so hard to do, but you're definitely approaching it the right way. Best of luck!!!

  2. I love you and you can do it! You are inspiring me and everyone else.

  3. Love the play on words with "Becoming."

    I'm wishing you the best. I also do Weight Watchers online. I'm at week 10. I love the Points Plus system. I love the emphasis on eating healthily and not just trying to stay within your points. I also love that you can still eat 'free' foods when you run out of points. Yay for bananas.

    It is, however, the only reward system that takes points away from you when you are successful. Lose a few pounds...lose one more daily point. It is all so bittersweet. ;)

    I'll cheer you on anyday, girly girl.
