The Holidays are here. It has been a super fast year, filled with school, family, work, dance class, basketball, soccer, new puppy, sickness, vacations, and traveling. I swear life moves at warp speed sometimes, you just have to take a step back to take a deep breath.
The weight loss has been slow moving, as it should to keep the weight off. I haven't been tracking for about 2 months, but after being on WW for 22 months it has become second nature. I now know what I can eat and how much, and my portions are in check. I will probably continue this trend until after the holiday's, at that point I will be back on WW full-force.
During the last 10 months hubby and I have been on a major exercise kick. I completed 3 5K's this year, never in my life did I think I'd actually walk one let alone run 3! (He even completed his first 1/2 Marathon!). It has been incredible and addicting. BUT, I've come to the realization of how much I HATE running, and really don't care to run the 5K's (they're fun, but maybe not for me) and would rather just go at my own pace during my individual work outs. At one point this summer I was going to the gym 4 times a week and loving it! I haven't been in a month due to the new puppy and pneumonia, but again am hoping to jump back on this bandwagon after January 1st... which I actually hate because the gym is packed January and February full of people with well intentions of getting healthier but will quit by March and us regulars will get our gym back. I have a machine that is "mine" and get pretty ticked when someone is on it when I get there! I also think the move downtown will help, my work moves into our new building next month. This helps because there's a gym at our corporate headquarters with tons of equipment and classes all day long that you can drop in to, I'm planning on taking full advantage of this. Another piece of good news is that a birdie told me that mom and dad still have their treadmill and may need a place to store it... considering our office as a resting place, this would help with my schedule a ton.
Anyways, I'm sure everyone has been wondering how the weight loss is actually going. Again, I continue to lose, just at a snail's pace, maybe nothing one week and another week I might lose a quarter pound or something. I did hit one major milestone two weeks ago, I bought my first size 10 pant in over 7 years!!!!! I screamed with glee in the store! This was the first time that a size 8 has ever entered my mind, I don't want to get ahead of myself, but wow, I could be an 8 someday?!?!?! That is just crazy talk! Side note: I am now in a Medium size top in any store I walk in to, it feels great not to have to try everything on anymore.
I get asked "So how much have you lost?" all the time. It feels really great that everyone around me notices and has encouraged me along this really really really long weigh loss journey I've been on (heck we're going on 2 years now!). I never know how to answer, I used to just say how much I've lost since joining WW but many would say, "No, I want to know how much you've lost since having the baby!" This actually makes me feel really good because the number is far beyond anything I would have ever imagined myself losing, and actually makes me feel very empowered to tell people that number. I am not ashamed at where I was, I am proud of where I am.
Here are a couple of numbers for ya:
Since baby: -86.1 lbs
Since joining WW: -47.1 lbs
Dress size: -6 sizes (from a size 16 to a size 10)
The fact that when this is all said and done (even after goal), I might lose close to 100 lbs just blows my mind. I feel more energized and healthier than ever before, I feel so athletic and that is so not me! LOL!
I'm only 8.9 lbs away from my original WW goal, and man has it been a long time coming. The new goal is to be at my WW goal by my 2 year WW anniversary February 25. I can do it, I know I can! Beyond that, we'll have to see what happens, by all means this is not the end of the road.
Have a great holiday season and eat all those amazing holiday goodies in moderation!