Friday, September 30, 2011

What is your height?

"What is your height?"

This seems like a simple question that most people know the answer to, or at least think they do. Anyone who's ever asked me this question in the past 12 years has gotten the same answer, "I'm 5 foot 5 ." Never knew any different until two days ago. We had a health screen at work, it was optional but if you do it you get discounts on your health insurance... so I elected to get that finger prick and assessment in the hopes I would meet the criteria for the $40/mo. discount. The finger prick was to test Cholesterol and Glucose levels, then they checked your weight, height and waist measurements to make sure you weren't in any danger zone's. The most shocking assessment was when they checked my height. I took off my 4 inch heels, stepped up on the platform. The lady looked at her clipboard and started writing, never even looking up said, "5 foot 4, actually, I'm rounding up." Um, what????? Huh, I think I'm in the process of having an identity crisis, all the sudden I feel super short! I realize you shrink as you get older, but it shouldn't start at 30! I must have been misinformed all of those years and now I must reassess my weight-loss goal! I think I'm going to leave my goal for now, but once I get there I'm going to have to revisit maybe losing an additional 15 lbs to get me into my optimal BMI. I know it can be done, but it all the sudden feels daunting again. There is one success story on WW online that sticks out to me, I actually have it printed out at my desk for inspiration. When this one woman hit goal she was 33, she is 5'4", started out at 207 lbs and now weighs 137 lbs and looks fantastic! So, I know it can be done, but the issue is I always wonder how long it took some of these successes to get there. WW is very very careful not to mention how long it takes or could take, and most published success stories don't mention any relation to time. Anyways, enough about that...

On the flip side: I was worried about my glucose levels, for the past 2 years I've been pre-diabetic. I was more than happy to find out I was well within the low/normal range this week. YAY! And, as I knew, my Cholesterol levels were in the normal range as well.

OK, now for the scale, it's definitely going in the right direction! My official weight-in this week was 183.5 lbs. Since I'm a chronic weigh-in person, as in I weigh myself every day, I've been seeing 182 some days and this excites me because I know I'm moving in the right direction. We are going to have a small celebration when I hit 179, that's for sure. Next week I'll try to get some new measurements documented as well, as all of my size 14's fit perfectly, I have no more 16's in my closet, hooray! I've even shrunk out of a few pairs of jeans that were too small between pregnancies! I'm loving this new body and have found that shopping has been really fun in the past couple of weeks! Another hip hip hooray!

OK, enough of my beeming and gloating.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just chipping away

I feel like slow and steady wins the race, I'm just chipping away at the original 56 lbs I set out to conquer and it's going to be gone for good. I'm getting excited now, and feeling more and more confident about the way I look. 56 lbs seemed so daunting, but now that I'm more than halfway through and have lost 32 lbs, the last 24 lbs don't seem that bad. I think I'm going to be beaming when I have just 19 lbs left and really feel in the home stretch... it's crazy to think I'm only 5 lbs away.

The week fo the wedding I was down to 185 (the week before I was 187.5), and last week I was down to 184 to kick off my Vegas weekend. And, even though I gained .5 lbs while in Vegas this week, I still think of it as a win. I ate so much crap and didn't track a thing, so I'm really surprised it was just .5 lbs! I was just focused on having a good time. Here are a few items I indulged in: bacon covered clams, cookies, tons of shrimp cocktail, chicken fingers and fries, alcholic beverages, cheeseburger and nachos, a huge hotdog from Pink's, a buffet and the list goes on. I was sad to come back home to reality, the trip was full of memories and I realize how lucky I am to have such amazing friends and husband.

I haven't posted any pics for a while. So, the first pic is a Before and After, the Before was taken at Weston's Birthday party at the end of January, and the After was taken this past weekend in Vegas. Then below are some pics of me in my "blue like the sky" dress at my bro's wedding, no professional pics have surfaced yet, so these snapshots will have to do.


Thursday, September 8, 2011


I'm just so excited this week to say that I lost 2.5 lbs!!! I've been extremely focused, with Geo's wedding on Saturday and Katy Perry/Vegas next weekend. I weighed 185 and am now down a total of 31 lbs... only 25 more to go!

Geo and Randi arrived late Tuesday night, and it has really been great to have them around... oh, and how could I forget their lovable lab Homer who has tagged along for the ride. Homer has been a Saint with the kids, he might be the gentlest dog I've ever met. Randi even helped me pick out some outfits for Vegas and inspired me to buy some new fun shoes, I can't wait to wear them!

Sorry so short, I'm exhausted, between staying up to 2 in the morning chatting about life with my brother and the stressful week I've had at work, I'm completely beat... and ready for the weekend ahead including my half day tomorrow, YAY!

Until next week!


Thursday, September 1, 2011


I know, I know... here we are, it's September. It's been a month since my last post. A lot has happened in a month! I had my last week of work at my old job and now I'm on my 3rd week at my new job (which I really love!). Basically I've taken a month off of WW which you could have probably guessed after my last post, I was getting frustrated and feel that I really needed this break from tracking and now have a renewed sense of motivation. I've been watching what I eat and thank goodness haven't gained anything. It's just been a hard transition and getting settled, along with all those goodbye lunches and hello lunches. With the transition between jobs, it was almost impossible to stay on track for me... my new job doesn't help too much with my plan because the microwave and toasters are downstairs in the cafe (these are my 1st line of defense and none are on our floor, bummer), but hey, at least I'm getting exercise too, all those stairs are good for me, right?

The one thing that lit a fire under me was that my bridesmaid dress for Geo's wedding came in three weeks ago and would barely zip, it was super tight! Last week I started to panic. I knew I had to kick it back into gear and jump back on the train. So I've worked really hard this week and am down .5 lbs, it's been really really hard for me to get back on board. I tried the dress on last night and it zipped easily but the dress itself is super snug around my belly (under the zipper), you can see where my belly button is and that's not good for anyone... basically it looks horrible and all I wanted to do was cry and I even had shapewear underneath. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. I'm just going to keep going with WW and maybe by next week I'll fit into it a tad better, but for now I'll be in search of a magic corset. My body is still changing, I can see it and feel it. Even though I've not been losing weight, the weight that I have is shifting, and I've read that this can happen as long as a year after I hit goal.

NSV (Non-Scale Victory) this morning, I knew we were having a Birthday celebration for a co-worker and our Supervisor was bringing in goodies. I decided to make some Oatmeal (4 pts) in hopes that I wouldn't be tempted, it worked!!! I could pass up those huge bagels (8 pts) with cream cheese (2 pts). I didn't even WANT the bagel, and that's almost unheard of for me, I LOVE them and LOVE cream cheese!

Oh lord give me the strength to make it through the holiday weekend and stay on track! Then I have the wedding the following weekend, then Vegas the weekend after that! Busy couple of weeks and I'm super excited for all of it. I'm most excited to see my brother who I haven't seen since last December 1st.

And I almost forgot to mention, our biggest home improvement project is underway. My hubby and dad have started the process of finishing the basement! They took the last of the drywall, wood and power tools downstairs last night! We are so excited!!!! We're hoping our cave is done by Thanksgiving, which may be a little optimistic but I know the guys can do it!
